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Ken Brown

In 1977 Ken Brown went on his first Athletics Department Outdoor Education trip; since then he has not stopped helping. Whether it is leading students to the top of Mount Marcy, the highest mountain in the state of New York, or helping them navigate their way through the rapids of the Madawaska River, Ken has been there to offer both his assistance and expertise.

On many occasions Ken Brown has endured considerable discomfort so that our students have a safer, better experience. He has shared his personal gear when he has found a student’s equipment lacking. He has prepared food in the rain and cold while others have slept. He shouldered more than his share climbing up a mountain or portaging from one lake to another. Ken has willingly waded into some cold rapids to help out someone who has overturned their canoe. He has “stepped up” when he has seen a need . . . . and for this, the Athletics Department and many, many students are extremely grateful.

Ken has helped make our Outdoor Education Program a real learning experience. His calm demeanor in a crisis, and there have been a number, has been inspirational. His pleasant manner, helpfulness, and willingness to share set an excellent example for our students. For thirty years Ken Brown has encouraged his students to “get involved”. He has backed up this statement by providing our students many opportunities to grow outside the College.

Because of his efforts, hundreds of Loyalist students have had “once in a lifetime” experiences that they will never forget. Experiences that have created bonds of friendship that continue long after their days at Loyalist.